How to earn money from Quora? [Step-by-Step Guide]

How to earn money from Quora: Do you know about Quora, which is a very popular Question & Answer website? On this website, you can earn money by answering questions. Although apart from this there are many other ways to earn money from Quora, I will tell you about Quora Se Paise Kaise Kamaye in this article.

Quora is a world-famous website, from which you can earn lakhs of rupees. But How to earn money from Quora Very few people know about it. In this article, I will tell you the 8 best ways to earn money from Quora. After reading this article you can start earning money from Quora.

What is Quora and how to earn money from it?

Quora One Online Question & Answer It is a website created by two people working at Facebook, Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever. Anyone can ask a question on this website, and anyone can answer that question.

If you regularly ask questions and answers on this website, then you Quora Partner Program With its help you can earn good money. Apart from this, there are many ways to earn money from Quora, which we will learn in this article.

Important things to earn money from Quora

To earn money from Quora you need to do something Requirement Must be completed, such as…

  1. To use Quora, you must have a smartphone or computer.
  2. One Quora Account There should be one, which you can create from its official website or app.
  3. You will have to be active on Quora for some time every day and work on building your platform.
  4. You have to answer questions from regular people and be patient.

How to create an account in Quora

How to earn money from Quora Before you can learn this, you will have to create an account. And creating an account in it is quite easy. You can create an account in Quora in the following way.

  1. First of all, Go to the website or go to the App.
  2. Now you have to “Continue With Google” or “Continue with Facebook” option. You can also select the “Sign Up With email” option.
  3. Select your Gmail account by selecting the “Continue With Google” option.
  4. Some Permission is allowed after reading.
  5. Now you have to click on the profile icon visible in the top right corner, and Monetize The option has to be clicked.
  6. Select your country, and click Submit.
  7. Now “Create A SpaceClick on the option.
  8. After this you will get “Get Started” Click on the option, and upload your post.

In this way, you can create an account in Quora and start earning money.

How to earn money from Quora?

As I said, there are many ways to earn money from Quora. These methods are as follows-

1. Earn money from the Quora Partner Program

Quora Partner Program

The best and easiest way to earn money from Quora is the Quora Partner Program. Through this program, Quora gives money to those people who answer the questions of regular people. Suppose someone asked a question on Quora, the answer to which you know. All you have to do is answer that question.

If your answer is good, people will upvote your answer and also share it. You just have to answer as many questions as possible correctly. After this, the Quora Partner Program itself will send you the invitation.

After receiving an invitation from Quora, you can earn money by answering every question. But note that you cannot apply for the Quora Partner Program yourself. Quora Partner Program is a very good way for this.

2. Earn money from Quora Space

Quora launched a feature called Quora Space in 2018. You can earn money from Quora by creating an account with Quora Space. After creating an account in this, you can ask questions and answer and also upload posts.

If followers increase on your Quora Space, then after that you can open an Earning Tab in it. Quora Space is a kind of group, where you can upload posts and connect more and more people.

After this, advertisements will be shown on your question or answer, and you will be paid for those advertisements. In this way, you can earn very good income from Quora Space.

If you earn $10, then you can transfer this money directly to your bank account.

3. Earn money from Quora by doing Affiliate Marketing

You can also earn money by doing affiliate marketing on Quora. Affiliate marketing means promoting and selling a product. You have to join any affiliate program, and then share the affiliate link of its product on Quora.

Keep in mind that you have to promote a product related to your audience so that more and more people buy your product. In this way, you can earn good money from Quora by doing affiliate marketing.

Some Best Affiliate Programs:

  1. Amazon Associate
  2. Flipkart
  3. ClickBank
  4. CJ Affiliate Network
  5. vCommission
  6. Hostinger Affiliate program etc.

4. Earn money from Quora by sending traffic to the website

Quora World Famous There is a website that receives millions of traffic every day. Therefore, you can take this traffic to your blog or YouTube channel. For this, you will have to share the link to your blog or YouTube channel on Quora.

But note that you cannot share the link of your blog directly on Quora. For this, first of all, you will have to answer as many questions as possible and win the trust of Quora. After this, you can add the link with your questions and answers.

You can also share the link with the help of your post on Quora Space. In this way, you can take the traffic of Quora to your blog or YouTube channel. And then you can earn money from blogs and YouTube channels.

5. Earn money from Quora by advertising

You can promote your own business and product on Quora, and that too for free. For this, you will have to find such questions on Quora, which are related to your company or your product. After this, along with answering those questions, you can also give information about your company and product.

Your answer will be seen by millions of people on Quora. This will promote your company for free. You can open an online store for your business. And then with the help of Quora you can earn money by selling your products and services.

6. Earn money from Quora by selling e-books

Nowadays many people prefer to read e-books because e-books are cheap and they can be easily read anywhere on mobile. Therefore, you can create an e-book and sell it on Quora and earn good money. You can write all the information in an e-book.

After this, you can answer people’s questions and also refer them to your e-book. You can upload your e-book on Amazon and share the link to its sale page on Quora. In this way, you can earn a good income by selling e-books.

7. Earn money from Quora through a referral link

You can also earn money by sharing referral links on Quora. How to earn money from Quora, This is a very good method. For this, you will have to choose some apps that give the highest referral commission, like Upstox, Groww, Paytm, PhonePe etc. You have to download these apps and then create your account.

After this, you have to find questions related to the app and answer them. In response, you also have to share the referral link of your app. In this way, you can earn money by referring to the app.

8. Earn money from Quora through Link Shortener

How to earn money from Quora sitting at home Shortener is a very good method for this. You will find many link shortener websites on the internet, with the help of which you can shorten the link of any web page. After this, you can share that link on Quora.

If a person clicks on that link, he will see some advertisements, which he can skip and reach the Origin web page. In this way, you can earn money by clicking the link. This is a very easy and fun way to earn money from Quora.

Some best URL/Link shorteners:

  • AdFly
  • Linkvertise
  • etc.

Conclusion (How to earn money from Quora)

Many people are using Quora, but many people do not know How to earn money from Quora. In this article, I have told 8 such ways by which you can earn money from Quora. I sincerely hope that after reading this article you will start earning money from Quora.

You can earn money from Quora in any way. If you have information related to any topic, you can earn money very easily. Quora is a real money-earning platform, from which you can earn lakhs of rupees.

Please share this article with your friends who want to earn easy money sitting at home.

FAQs – How to earn money from Quora

Q1. How to earn money from Quora sitting at home?

Answer: Quora is an online website, through which you can earn money sitting at home. There are many ways to earn money from this, like- Quora Partner Program, Quora Space, Link Shotener, Affiliate Marketing, Referral link etc.

Q2. How much money can you earn from Quora?

Answer: It is difficult to give an exact answer to how much money can be earned from Quora. However, on average it can be said that you can earn Rs 10,000 to Rs 55,000 per month from Quora. However, you can earn lakhs of rupees even more than this.

Q3. How to earn money from the Quora Partner Program?

Answer: To earn money from the Quora Partner Program, you will have to answer as many questions as possible and get upvotes from people. After this, Quora itself will send you an invitation for the partner program. You cannot apply for the Quora Partner Program yourself.