How to Earn Money by Selling Photos Online – Photo Selling Website

How to earn money by Photo Selling Website: In today’s digital era, almost everyone has a smartphone through which you can earn thousands of rupees daily. One of the ways to earn money from mobile is by selling photos.

Some websites and apps give you Rs 500 to Rs 1000 per photo for selling photos. Today in this article we will talk about websites and apps that earn money by selling photos.

Apart from this, I will also tell you the things to be kept in mind while taking photos, and the process of selling photos on these platforms. After reading this article, you can earn money by selling photos from today itself. Let us now start the article on how to earn money by selling photos.

How to earn money by selling photos online

If you have a smartphone then you can earn money by taking photos with your phone. You should have a phone with a good quality camera so that you can capture great photos.

You can do photography work from your phone. In this, you just have to shoot the best clear photo from your phone and then sell it on any photo-selling platform.

These platforms pay you in two ways. In which they will either buy the photo from you at a price. Another way in which they give you some percentage of the selling of that photo.

There are the following websites and apps for Photo sale online.

Best Photo Selling Website

If you also want to earn money from mobile by selling photos, then we have told you about some websites and apps for this. You can earn money by creating your account on these websites and apps.

Following are the websites that earn money by selling photos-

1. Dreamstime

To your Dreamstime you will get less competition compared to Starstock, which is beneficial for you. If you sell your photos from here, you get 25 to 50% of the sales.

If your photo goes viral then you can get 10% extra. You can easily download this app from the Google Play Store. The following features are available in this app-

  • Easy way to upload photos
  • Track Sales & Earning
  • Notification

Note– As the selling of your photos increases, your revenue also increases.

2. iStock

iStock a very big photo selling website Is. If you are a professional photographer, you can earn good money by selling your photos. Lakhs of people come here every day to buy photos.

For this, you will have to create your account on this website and after that, you can earn money by uploading your photo. Here you get a 40% commission on selling. You can transfer the money earned from here to your account through PayPal.

3. Shutterstock

Shutterstock photo selling This is the best platform to do so. Many people can easily take good photographs with their smartphones. By doing similar photography you can earn money sitting at home.

Apart from having a website of Starstock, it also has an app from where one can easily earn money by selling photos. This platform has been active for the last 15 years and till now it has connected with more than 500 million people.

After uploading a photo on Starstock, your photo goes for review, after getting approval from there, your photo will be ready to be sold. As soon as someone buys your photo, some part of it will be transferred to your account.

This process is seen in almost all apps. In this app you will get to see the following features-

  • Check Earning & Activity
  • Upload Photo Anywhere, Anytime
  • Submit Photo From Phone
  • Track Insight & Data
  • App Notification

4. Snapwire

Snapwire is also the best photo selling app, where many people earn money by uploading photos. There will be a lot of competition on this app. But if you upload good-quality photos daily, you can earn good money.

In this app, you can easily upload photos from your gallery and sell them. Here you get 50-100% revenue or profit from selling.

Apart from this you get to see the following features-

  • real time notification
  • Facility to upload photos from gallery and cloud store
  • Ability to talk to other photographers
  • leaderboard list

5. Clashot

Clashot The app works like any social media, but it is different from other social media apps. Along with sharing your photos on this app, you can also sell them. On this, you can earn money by posting photos and stories on your account like WhatsApp.

If someone likes the photo uploaded to your account, then they buy this photo from you, from which you get a share of the sale. The following features are available in this app-

  • free download app
  • Easy photo upload facility
  • Earnings Status and Notification
  • easy payment method

Earn money by selling photos, Clashot is a good photo-selling app.

6. Adobe Stock

Adobestoke an American photo selling website Is. From here many professional people earn money by selling photos. From here you can also earn money by uploading photos of any category.

You can earn more money by improving your photography skills. From here you have to create your account for photo selling and upload your photos as per the rules.

It gives you a 33% commission on photo selling, which is saved in your account. After 25$ is transferred to your Paypal account, from where you can transfer your account after 100$.

How to earn money by selling photosAdobe stock is a good platform.

7. Stockfood

Photography comes in different categories, one of which is food photography. You can see photos of beautiful and different types of dishes. Stockfood You can sell by going to the website.

Here you can photograph any type of food item and sell it by visiting the Stockfood website. You can get more information about this by visiting the Stokefood website.

8. Image Bazaar

ImageBazaar There is an online photo selling website. You will be happy to know that this is the website of motivational speaker Sandeep Maheshwari, which was launched in 2006. Therefore, when you open the website, you will get their photos.

To create your account on this website, first, you will have to get approval by calling 011-66545450, after which you will be able to open your account.

After opening an account, you can earn money by selling your photos.

9. Alamy

Alamy The website is famous worldwide for photo selling. Where anyone can earn money by selling photos. Currently, more than 1.5 crore people are selling and buying photos through it.

When you upload your photo here, you will be verified and approved by the company. You get 50% revenue by selling photos here. Apart from this, this website gives you 100% revenue for the first 2 years.

Alamy A Famash Photo Selling Website From which you can earn a very good income.

10. Stocksy

Stokey website is a photo-selling website. Although it is a less popular website. Here you get more commission than others. Here you can easily earn money by selling your photos.

In this, a 75% commission is given on the sale of your photo and it will be deposited in the wallet. If there is more than 50$ in the wallet, it is deposited in your PayPal account.

How to earn money by selling photos Stocksy is a great platform.

11. Getty Image

On this website, you can earn money by selling high-quality photos. In this, the quality of your photo should be good. You also get a good price for your photos here.

When you upload a photo on it, it is checked by the photo company and later it is sold. Here the commission is from 20% and further increases according to the quality demand.

12. 500px

500Px is also a good photo selling website. It is less popular than others, so it also gives you a good commission. You can earn money by uploading good and professional photos on it.

If your photo is sold on this website, you get a commission of 60% and when you have $30 in your wallet, it is transferred to your PayPal account.

Things to keep in mind while taking photos

  • Before selling photos, get complete information about that website.
  • Read the terms and conditions of the photo selling platform carefully.
  • Your photo should be clear and of high quality.
  • The photo being sold should not be copyrighted.
  • Improves your photography skills.
  • Select the correct category of photo.

Make Money From Photography

Conclusion: How to earn money by selling photos?

Hello friends, we have given you information in this article. How to earn money by selling photos An attempt has been made to give complete information. All the apps mentioned in the article are real, from where you can earn money by selling photos.

If you liked our article then share it with your friends who want to earn money from mobile.

Also Read: How to earn money from Quora? [Step-by-Step Guide]

FAQs – How to earn money by selling photos

Question 1. How to Make Money From Photography

Answer: If you know good photography then you can earn money by selling photos. There are many people and companies, who buy photos from photo selling platforms for their promotions, social media posts, blog posts, and YouTube thumbnails. Information about these photo selling platforms is given in this article.

Question 2. Which is the best photo selling app?

Answer: Well, there are many apps from where you can earn money by selling your photos. Following are the best photo selling apps, more information about which can be obtained from this article – Shutterstock, Clashot, Dreamstime etc.

Question 3. How to earn money by selling photos on mobile?

Answer: You can sell the photos taken from mobile by uploading them on any photo selling platform.

Question 4. How much can I earn by selling photos online?

Answer: Many photo selling websites give you commissions ranging from 25 to 100% of photo selling. If you get a commission of Rs 100 from one photo, after selling 10 photos, you can earn Rs 1000 daily.

Question 5. How do beginners sell photos?

Answer: Initially you have to upload the best photo of your gallery. While uploading the photo, select the correct category of photo.

Photo by Unsplash