How to Earn Money from YouTube: 7 Working and Effective Strategies 2024

How to earn money from YouTube: earn lakhs of rupees sitting at home: YouTube is a very big video search platform, That is no longer just a means of entertainment but has become a means of making a career and earning a lot. Today many people like Carryminati, Gaurav Chaudhary, Amit Bhadana, and Bhuvan Bam are earning lakhs of rupees from YouTube. You can also earn, but the question is, how to earn money from YouTube?

The best thing is that you can create your channel on YouTube without investing, and earn money through your content. Provided that your content should be original and user-friendly. I will tell you in this article earn money from YouTube 6 ways will tell. Apart from this, I will also tell you how to create a YouTube Channel and upload videos. So let me tell you now How to earn money from YouTube?

How to earn money from YouTube?

YouTube There is a huge video platform, from which many people are earning more money than a job. If we take for example the owner of the Technical Guruji Channel “Gaurav Chaudhary” Talking, he is earning lakhs of rupees every month from YouTube. Apart from this, many people are earning lakhs from YouTube.

How to make money from YouTube in Hindi Talking about it, to earn money from YouTube, you have to follow three main steps, which are as follows.

  1. First of all, create your channel on YouTube.
  2. Upload genuine content regularly on your channel.
  3. Increase Subscribers and Views on your channel, and then monetize the channel.

There are many ways to monetize YouTube, such as Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing and Sponsorship etc.

How to create a YouTube channel?

Earn money from YouTube: For this, you need to have a YouTube channel. You can create a YouTube channel very easily with the help of your Google account. But if you do not have a Google account then you can create a new account.

Follow these steps to create a YouTube channel:

  1. Go to YouTube and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Click on your profile icon and then click on “Create Channel”.
  3. Now write your channel name and description.
  4. After this upload your profile photo and banner.
  5. Finally, click on the Create button.

In this way, you can create a YouTube channel, and then start earning money.

Note: Create your YouTube channel very thoughtfully on a niche, and then upload videos regularly.

How to upload the video to YouTube?

Make money from YouTube: For this, you need to upload videos regularly and properly. Before making a video, you must read Google’s guidelines, so that you do not face any problems later. After understanding Google’s guidelines, you have to prepare content for videos.

Now you can make your video and upload it on YouTube. Follow the following steps to upload a video on YouTube.

  1. First of all YouTube channel Login to.
  2. To upload a video on mobile “+ Click on the ” icon.
  3. Upload a video click on “.
  4. Select any video, and “NextClick on “.
  5. Write the title and description of the video. And click on “Next”.
  6. Select your audience, and “Upload VideoClick on the button.

In this way, you can upload your video on YouTube.

How to increase subscribers on YouTube?

How to earn money from YouTube: For this it is very important for you to increase your subscribers and watch time. You can increase subscribers on your channel by following the following points.

  1. First of all, create a YouTube channel on any niche or topic.
  2. The quality of the video i.e. sound and visual quality should be good.
  3. Use good and genuine content to make videos.
  4. Upload videos regularly to build good trust with YouTube.
  5. Share your video on social media.
  6. Use attractive thumbnails, titles, and descriptions in videos.
  7. Use keywords as per user query in the video.
  8. Add a call to action to your video.
  9. Ask for comments from the audience, and respond to them.
  10. Use some important tags in the video.

How to earn money from YouTube – 6 ways

There is not just one but many ways to earn money from YouTube. You can earn lakhs of rupees from YouTube, provided you have to work hard.

1. Google AdSense Monetization

How to earn money from YouTube: Google AdSense is the most popular method for this. Most of the YouTubers are earning money with the help of Google Adsense. Google Adsense is an advertising product of Google itself, which works to show advertisements on YouTube.

First of all, you have to upload regular videos keeping in mind the conditions of Google. If your channel has 1000 Subscribers And 4000 hours of watchtime Once completed, you can monetize your channel with Google Adsense.

Before monetizing your channel, you need to create your account on Google AdSense. After this, you go to the settings of the YouTube channel. Monetization You can allow the option of. Once the channel is monetized, you can earn a lot of money.

Now you can earn money from Google by showing ads on your YouTube videos, and can also get them transferred directly to your bank account.

Also Read: How to Earn Money from Facebook: An Ultimate Guide For 2024 [Free Methods]

2. YouTube Shorts Fund

YouTube Shorts

Do you know that you can also earn money with the help of YouTube Shorts? Google for 2021-22 10 million dollars That means a fund of Rs 784.71 crore has been released, which will be available only to YouTube Shorts creators. Because of this feature, YouTube has a trillion views Crossed the mark.

now you only YouTube shorts channel You can earn money from YouTube even by making it. All you have to do is upload shorts daily as per YouTube guidelines. If your content gets more views and engagement, YouTube itself will contact you and give you money.

How to earn money from YouTube: Sponsorship is also a very good way for this. If you have millions of subscribers on your YouTube channel then you can earn lakhs of rupees for a sponsored video. In sponsorship, you have to promote the company’s products and services.

All you need to do is to gather a target audience on your YouTube channel. After this, the companies themselves will give you sponsorship, for which you can charge thousands and lakhs of rupees.

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3. From Affiliate Marketing

Another great way to earn money from YouTube Affiliate Marketing is also. You can promote affiliate products of any company on YouTube and earn money by selling them. For example, if your channel is related to technology, then you can sell technology-related products on YouTube, like mobile, cameras, smartwatches, earphones, laptops, etc.

First of all, you have to increase more and more subscribers on your channel. After this you will not get any join affiliate programs Have to do, like- Amazon Associate, Flipkart, vCommission etc. Now you can give the affiliate link of the product in the description of your video.

If someone buys your affiliate link product, you will directly get his commission. You can earn lakhs of rupees per month from Affiliate Marketing, for example, you can earn “Trackin Tech You can watch the channel of “.

4. By Promoting the Brand

on your YouTube channel brand promotion You can earn a lot of money by doing this. For example “Amitabh Bachchan“, has been the Brand Ambassador for companies like FirstCry, Kalyan Jewellers, Parker Pen, and Lux InnerWear. Apart from this, there are many other brand ambassadors in India, like Salman Khan, Virat Kohli, Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra etc.

Similarly, brand promotions take place on YouTube, and YouTubers become brand ambassadors. You can charge lakhs of rupees for a brand promotion. In this, you will have to promote all the products and services of the company.

5. By Cross Promotion

Cross-promotion is another way to earn money from YouTube. If you have a blog, social media account or any other YouTube channel, then you can earn money by sending traffic to your channel on it. Apart from this, you can also earn money by promoting other small YouTubers on your channel.

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6. By selling Merchandise

Merchandise Selling This is also a very good way to earn money from YouTube, which YouTube gives to all its creators. With the help of this feature, you can sell products online to your subscribers or viewers. you from youtube Merchandise Platform You can design any type of product available on the internet, and then add it to your merchandise section.

After this, if any of your subscribers or viewers buy that product, then YouTube itself will make that product and deliver it to the customer. Whatever profit you get from this sale, you will get some percentage of it.

7. Channel Membership Sell

If you provide premium information on your YouTube channel, then you can enable the membership feature on your channel. After this, whoever takes your membership, only that person can watch your premium videos. You have appeared on many YouTube channels. Join” button, on clicking which money is demanded.

Similarly, you can also earn money by selling membership of your channel. For example you “Shonu Sharma” You can watch the YouTube channel “ which gives paid membership.

Conclusion – How to earn money from YouTube

If you want to earn money online from your mobile sitting at home, then YouTube is a very good way. You can earn lakhs of rupees every month by creating your channel on YouTube., Provided that you have to upload regular videos on your channel. YouTube There are many ways to earn money, As- Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsorship And so on.

Here we have explained in detail all the ways to earn money from YouTube. Hope you liked this article, if yes, do share it with your friends who want to know how to earn money from YouTube.

Also Check: Best 14 Ways to Earn Money From Google – Step by Step Guide

FAQ: How to earn money from YouTube

Q1. How to earn money from YouTube Shorts?

Answer: The best way to make money from YouTube Shorts is YouTube Shorts Fund. YouTube has released a fund of millions of dollars specifically for short creators, which will be available only to short creators. Apart from this, there are other ways to earn money from YouTube Shorts, like affiliate marketing, sponsorship, cross-promotion etc.

Q2. When does YouTube pay?

Answer: If you fulfil some of the conditions of YouTube, then you can monetize your channel. And then you can earn money by showing advertisements on your channel. To monetize the channel, you have to complete 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time, only then you can earn money from YouTube.

Q3. Who is India’s biggest YouTuber?

Answer: An article in Amarujala states that India’s largest YouTube channel “T-Series”, has 246 million subscribers. And at number two “MrBeast”, which has 171 million subscribers. Also currently India’s number 1 YouTuber is “Ajay Nagar

Q4. How much money can you earn from YouTube?

Answer: It is difficult to give an exact answer as to how much money one makes from YouTube. Earning on YouTube depends on many factors, like Views, Click, CPC, CTR, Impressions etc. According to some reports, after reaching 1 million subscribers, you will earn approx. 40 to 60 thousand You can earn Rs. per month.