Best 14 Ways to Earn Money From Google – Step by Step Guide

Earn Money With Google, How to make money online with Google for free, make money with Google AdSense without a website.

Hello friends, today in this article we will learn how to earn money from Google. Google is a very big company in the world, from which there are many ways to earn money. Now the new year 2024 is about to come or has arrived, if you have not yet found a means of earning, then you can earn money through Google.

Generally, you would know the only way to earn money from Google is Google Adsense. But today in this article we will read about more than 15 ways to earn money from Google. You can earn lakhs of rupees per month through Google. So now let me tell you How to Earn Money With Google.

14 ways to earn money from Google in 2024

You can earn money in many ways through Google, but it will require hard work and investment. Initially, it takes time and hard work to earn from Google. If you are a hardworking person, then we will tell you how you can earn from Google.

Google is a world-famous search engine, that provides various types of internet services like search engines, hardware, software, advertising, cloud computing etc. Along with providing these services, Google also gives people the option to earn money in different ways.

The harder you work on Google, the more money you will be able to earn. How to Earn Money With Google? there are the following methods for this.

1. Earn money from Google by blogging on Google

Earn money from Google by blogging on Google

At present, among the ways of earning money from Google, the way of earning money by blogging has been liked the most by people.

We can say that blogging is a digital diary, in which you share your skills online on the internet. Today many people are earning thousands to lakhs of rupees every month by blogging in this way.

If you like writing on any topic and can write articles, then you can also earn money by blogging. Is this question coming to your mind How to start blogging If yes then I will tell you some important points in summary. With which you can start your blog.

  • To start blogging, first, you have to create your blog on
  • After this, you have to choose the niche of your blog and buy a domain accordingly.
  • After purchasing the domain, choose a good theme for your blog.
  • After this, you should make your blog user-friendly. And upload at least one article every day.
  • When your website starts getting good traffic, then get approval from Google for Google Adsense.
  • However, you can take Google Adsense even before the traffic arrives.

To earn money through blogging, along with just writing articles, choosing the right niche, domain name, hosting, user-friendly theme, SEO etc. are also very important. To know about this in detail, you can read articles related to these on our blog.

2. Through Google Adwords

You can earn lakhs of rupees through Google Adwords. This is a platform with the help of which you can show your Google Ads on platforms like YouTube. By showing Google Ads, you can bring a lot of audience and customers to your platform and sell your services and products.

If you learn to use Google Ads properly, you can earn good profits by driving traffic to any of your platforms. You have to pay some money to show Google Ads. It is used by all types of small and big companies to promote themselves and sell products and services.

Apart from this, many bloggers, YouTubers, and app creators generate a lot of traffic through Google Ads. To show Google Ads, you will have to register on the website. This is a great way for How to Earn Money With Google.

3. Through Google AdSense on YouTube

I am sure you know about YouTube. When we talk about easy ways to earn money from Google, the first one is YouTube and the second one is blogging. That is why today lakhs of people in India are earning lakhs of rupees by showing their talent on YouTube.

YouTube is a company of Google. Many YouTubers are earning lakhs of rupees every month by taking Google Adsense. If you can also spread your skills to people by making videos, then YouTube can be a good option for you.

  • To earn money from YouTube, first of all, you have to choose a topic for your channel. On which you can make videos continuously.
  • After selecting the topic, create a YouTube channel related to that topic on YouTube.
  • After creating the channel, make new videos related to the topic and upload them on your channel.
  • When your channel gets 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time, your channel is monetized.
  • Once the channel is monetized, ads will start appearing on your channel and your YouTube earning will start.

Your earnings on YouTube depend on the views of your videos. Normally you get 1$ for 1000 views. Which will increase as your views increase.

Apart from Google Adsense, the ways to earn money from YouTube also include affiliate marketing, sponsorship etc.

4. Through Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Reward can be beneficial for those people who like to play games like BGMI or Free Fire.

Google Opinion Reward is a survey application of Google. Where you can easily earn money by completing surveys.

That is, Google Opinion Reward is an application that asks people to do small surveys. If you complete their survey then you get money in return.

However, you cannot deposit the money earned in Google Opinion Reward into your bank account. It can only be used to purchase Pad apps or books in the Google Play Store or to purchase something in games like BGMI OR Free Fire.

How to earn money from Google Opinion Rewards

  • To earn money from Google Opinion Reward, download it from the Google Play store.
  • After downloading it, create an account in it with the help of Gmail.
  • After this, you have to fill in everything asked.
  • After filling in all the information you will see many surveys. By completing this you can easily earn money.

5. By doing the job for Google (Google Job)

If you have studied Computer Science then you can get a good salary package by taking a job at Google’s company. Today many people in India are working for Google. Even the CEO of Google is an Indian.

Recently there was news that an Indian boy had hacked Google for some time. Whose information he later gave to Google. After which Google gave him a job with a package worth crores.

In this way, you can also apply online for a job at Google. However, for this, you will have to work hard.

Every lakh of people apply online to get a Google job but Google takes very few and selected people.

If you want to get a job at Google, then you should know how to speak, write and read English. Because English is necessary to communicate with people from different countries.

Apart from this, if you want to work while living in India, then you can work in Google’s office located in India. Google also has offices in the cities of Gurugram, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Mumbai in India.

6. Google Analytics – How to earn money from Google

Google Analytics is an important and valuable tool from Google. Which is used to obtain website-related information such as traffic, user analysis and sales.

In simple words, we can say that Google Analytics keeps safe records of the data of people visiting your website or any other online platform.

At present, almost all digital marketing companies or companies promoting their goods online do it.

If you have good knowledge about Google Analytics then you can take freelancing work related to it. Because many companies are looking for Google Analytics experts.

However, to earn money from Google Analytics, you must have very good knowledge of it.

7. Through Google Taskmet

There are many ways to earn money from Google. Which Google Task Mate is also one way. Where you can earn money by answering simple questions or small surveys.

Google takes the help of Google Task Mate to get information about different areas and their languages. Then they ask you about your location and language.

Based on which they give you questions, by answering which you can earn money. Apart from this, you can also earn money by taking pictures of restaurants, answering surveys and translating English sentences into your local language.

In this application, you can choose any survey as per your choice earn money from it and deposit the earned money in your bank account.

How to earn money from Google Task Mate

  • To earn money from Google Task Mate, download it from the Google Play Store.
  • After that, enter your e-mail ID, click on Get Started and give permission for your location.
  • If you have a GSTIN number then enter it and select your language.
  • Now you can earn money by choosing your favorite task and completing it.
  • After completing the task, you will also have to add your bank account.

Also Read: How to Earn Money by Selling Photos Online – Photo Selling Website

8. Through Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a web service. Those teachers who want to earn money by giving online classes or teaching online to children should know about this.

However, you cannot earn money directly from Google Classroom. But if you are a teacher, then you can teach your children online on any app and upload their study material and homework on Google Classroom.

So that you do not have to send homework or study material again and again and separately. Once uploaded, students who have joined your class. They will get homework together.

How to earn money from Google Classroom

  • First of all, you download it from the Google Play Store.
  • After this, you have to log in with the help of Gmail.
  • After logging in, you have to create your class and after that invite the children.
  • Now you can charge fees to the children who join your class and earn money.

9. From the Google Play store

If you have a smartphone then you must be aware of Google Play Store. Using which you download many gaming apps, study apps business apps etc. on your mobile.

But you would hardly know that by uploading your app to the Google Play Store, you can easily earn 15 to 20 thousand rupees every month sitting at home.

However, to earn money from the Google Play Store, you should know about coding and making Android apps, otherwise, you will have to spend 15 to 20 thousand rupees to get the app made by others.

You can earn money in two ways by uploading the app to the Google Play store. First by giving subscriptions and second by showing ads. However, the Google Play Store charges some fees for first-time uploading. (Approximately $25 = Rs 2000)

In the first method, you charge money from the user to access the app. Whereas in the second method, you earn money by showing ads. For this, you will have to monetize the app on AdMob and make it free for all users.

10. From Google Meet

earn money directly from Google Meet

Google Meet is a type of video conferencing service, with the help of which you can hold virtual meetings with up to 100 people through audio, video, chat and screen sharing.

Although there is no way to earn money directly from Google Meet, with its help you can earn money in many ways like online client meetings, teaching, seminars, etc.

How to earn money from Google Meet

  • First of all, create your account on Google Meet.
  • After this, you create a meeting by clicking on “New Meeting”.
  • Now share the link of your meeting with them. Who do you want to invite?
  • In this way, you can earn money by taking online meetings or classes with the help of Google Meet.

11. How to earn money from Google through Google Admob

Google Admob is also a service of Google like Google AdSense. Which is used to place ads on blogs, websites, YouTube, apps etc.

The difference between these two is that Google Adsense is used to place ads on websites, blogs, YouTube channels etc. whereas Admob is used to show ads on mobile applications.

If you want to earn money from Google Admob, you must have or know how to create an application.

If you do not know how to create an app, then you can create an app by using a website like Appsgeyser or by asking someone else.

After creating the app, you can earn money by placing ads on Admob. However, before this, you will have to create an account on Admob and get Adsense approval from it.

How to earn money from Google Admob

  • First of all, you create an app or get an app developed by an app developer.
  • After this create your account on Admob.
  • Now get AdSense approval from Admob.
  • After this, you create Admob Ads and place them on your app.
  • After this, more people will download the app and click on your ad. The more money you’ll get.

12. How to earn money from Google through Google Pay

In today’s article (How to earn money from Google) we have learned about many methods. In this series, we will now focus on Google Pay.

Google Pay is a secure and popular digital wallet and payment platform. Which is used for making personal payments and also for earning money online.

When you make any payment using Google Pay, you get reward points or cash back. With which you can shop online.

Apart from this, you can also earn money by referring to Google Pay. If someone downloads the app from your referral link and makes the payment, you will get Rs 20 and your friends will get Rs 21. Let’s meet.

Also Read: 10+ Paying Refer and Earn App – Get Unlimited Legal Cash Rewards

13. Through Google Map

Google Maps is also a product of Google. Which is used today all over the world to reach from one city to another and from one place to another.

With the help of Google Maps, you can not only get geographical information about any area but can also earn money by joining its Google Map Local Guide Program.

Actually, by joining the Google Map Local Guide program, you can earn money from Google Maps by improving the information about any local area.

How to earn money from Google Map

  • First of all, log in to Google Maps with the help of Gmail.
  • After logging in, join the Google Map Local Guide Program.
  • Now wherever you go like the hotel, mall, shop etc. earn money by giving information.

14. Through Google Play Book

Google Play Book is also a product of Google. It is an e-book platform. On which you can upload your book and sell it at a fixed price and earn good money sitting at home.

If you publish your book on Google Play Book, it appears in the e-book section on Google Play Store.

When you publish your e-book, you get the option to set the price. With which you can set the price of your e-book.

So if someone buys your book, you get the same price. How much money can you earn from this? It depends on the rating and review of your e-book.

Conclusion – How to earn money from Google?

Well, today there are many ways to earn money from Google, out of which some important and easy ways are mentioned in this article. How much money can you earn from Google? It depends on your hard work and the method you adopt to earn money.

You can earn lakhs of rupees every month from Google, provided you work hard. Hopefully, by now you would have known how to earn money from Google.

In the end, I thank you for reading this article completely and staying connected to our blog to read such informative articles.

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FAQS- How to earn money from Google 2024

Till now we have got information about ways to earn money from Google in this article. Let us now know the answers to the common questions asked by people related to how to earn money from Google.

Q. Can money be earned from Google?

A. There are many ways to earn money from Google. Such as Blogging, YouTube, Google Pay, Google Maps, Google Analytics etc.

Q. What to do to earn money from Google Adsense?

A. To earn money from Google Adsense, you have to create your blog. Articles will have to be written on that every day. Many visitors will come to read it and if someone clicks on your ad, you get money for it.

Q. What are the ways to earn money from Google in 2024?

A. You can earn money in 2024 by blogging, from the Google Play Store, Google Opinion Reward, YouTube etc.